Our dream job is working where you would not hate a Monday morning nor long for the Friday evening. Now for the sake of argument let us suppose you had such a dream job, what would you wear? Over and above the professional look in a perfectly fitted suit with high heels you need to find the right balance and for this Jewellery is essential.
Don’t hate Monday, love it and love your Jewellery.
We all want the business attire that gives us a total sense of confidence and at the same time make us feel comfortable.
However, no outfit is complete without that essential Jewellery. Here I would suggest to remember the magic 3 words, Diamond Rings Antwerp. Think of Jewellery as the final touch and not just as an add on or an embellishment.
The very first thing that happens when you just get engaged is that people start asking how you proposed or how you got proposed.
Of course, in your mind is the engagement ring. The metallic feel of the gold or platinum on your finger is a precious moment which you would like to last forever. Choosing the right engagement ring is important.
Experience has told me that there are a few parameters on choosing the right diamond engagement ring. Foremost amongst this is ‘Diamond Jewellery Antwerp’.
First the style. What do you prefer? Lots of colour, traditional, subtle, flashy or just a plain round piece of metal. Second is the type of stone. For this I, can only say one thing. “Diamond Jewellery Antwerp”.
5 absolutely MUST-HAVE Jewellery Trends of 2023
Are you getting engaged, married or just having a feeling to wear the best Jewellery in the market?
Are you in that state of wild indecisiveness totally overwhelmed by the infinite options available?
With the help of diamond and Jewellery expert Ben David of Adori Millennium let us look at the trends for 2023 engagement rings.
First and utmost and the most important.